Monday, September 7, 2009

>.< I'm such a bad girl...

I've not updated in FOREVER! Bad Mii!

Well, a happy Labor Day to you all. Sorry, no poem or anything for today... I know, lame. I'm so lame! *sobs* School starts tomorrow... That should make life a bit more interresting. You guys excited or dreading it? My brain is in denial that summer is supposed to be over... I don't want it to be over. It hasn't felt like summer... I don't think I've gone swimming at all this summer... *thinks hard* No...I don't think I have... =O It's so sad! =(

Well, I hope you all have a fabulous first day of school tomorrow. And good luuuuck! =)

*Edit! I swam at camp!*


Christine said...

dreading it... really ticked off about it. kinda sorta looking forward to my interior design class tho.

Your Friendly Stalker said...

Hi! =D I haven't been around in forever either.......