These are my dolls! This was at a mother/daughter tea party we had at our church. Mom and I decorated, and this was part of the decorations! Aren't they cute? Having their own little tea party!

Here they are with the flowers and food on their little plates...

Mmmmmmm...this was the food for the actual people. These were the "cold" trays that we had. We also had trays with hot food on them. Man, that was good...

And THESE are the desserts. These were better than the real food. Mom made the little things with the strawberries on them. And the yellow lemon squares. *starts drooling* I wish we had brought more food home... Oh, and I helped plate the food. :D Looks purty purty, don't it?

Oh yeah, we had a LOT of food. There were a lot of people there. People from two churches! *sigh* good times...

NO, I DID NOT DRAW THIS. I merely colored it. :) Angel wanted someone to color it for her, so I used my colored pencils and did it. :D It was fun to do, but the camera kinda takes out some of the cool shading I did...

I don't know if she's Faith, Hope, or Peace...

Okay, here's the full story. The other day, me, Cody, and my baby brother (he will now be named Guy, just because I'm sick of writing "baby brother") went to our grandparents house. Cody and grandpa started cleaning up around the outside of the house while me, grandma, and Guy took a walk out to take the trash/composteystuff/whatever out to where it was supposed to go. When we got back to where the other boys were, we went over and started talking to them. We talked for a little then grandpa said, "[Cody's real name here] is a home wrecker!""Did you get a wasps nest?" Grandma asked."Nope." Grandpa said."Bees?" "Nope." "It wasn't hornets?" "Nope." "...was it a nest?" Grandma asked a little quieter. If it had been bees or hornets or wasps, I wouldn't have felt so bad...but a bird's nest...? "Yep. You know that piece of metal we found that had come off of the side of the house? Well, we found where it came from, and a bird had gone in there a built a nest. I went and pulled it out-it was a pretty good nest, in a really good spot, really warm in there-and there were three eggs in it." Grandpa explained. By this time, grandma and I were all ears, but Guy was still goofing off and just talking up a storm. We weren't paying much attention to what he was saying, though."I kept pulling brush out of there, and a forth egg rolled right out! I didn't realize it was there, and it hit the ground and broke." Grandpa continued, and I felt a little bit of a pain for the mama bird. I mean, it's just sad...isn't it?"Where are the other eggs?" Grandma asked."In the barn," Grandpa replied."Well, get out the incubator!" Grandma said this a couple times with much determination. Grandpa shook his head."Was it ours?" He asked rhetorically. Grandma sighed."No, it was the schools..." My spirits dropped again. What was gonna happen to those little eggs?"How far along were they?" Grandma asked to grandpa and Cody."Now sure...did you see anything in that egg that fell?" Grandpa asked Cody."I think a little bit..." Cody replied uncertainly. The conversation kept going with us trying to figure out what to do with the eggs."Can we go look at them?" I asked finally."Yep, they're right in on the counter in there." Grandpa said with a nod of his head. We all got up and went into the barn, which was a short walk away from where we had been sitting. Cody and I went in and walked right over
to the eggs, which were a light turquoise and oblong in shape. There were three there. I picked them up and looked at them. They had cooled down a bit, it felt like... We looked at the eggs and noticed one had a small dent in it. When we showed it to grandma, she knew it wouldn't grow into a bird at all. I wrapped the eggs up in a light blue washcloth that grandpa handed to me and I put them in my hands. I tried to keep them as warm as I could, and me-the frozen handed girl- actually got those eggs pretty warm! When grandma did see the dented egg and told us it wouldn't survive at all because it's space had been invaded, she opened it up and looked inside. Sure enough, there was actually a little white dot in there. The beginning of a baby bird.When we came home, we had the eggs. There was a nest nearby where we do our schoolwork and where mom works. We compared the eggs to those that we knew were robin's eggs for a fact, and our eggs were bigger and a different shade of blue. But after doing some research, we found that they were still robin eggs. We kept the eggs at our house over night, wrapped in a washcloth and a towel and put under the small lamp in my room. Then, this morning, we took them to the other nest. Mama Robin hasn't seemed to mind them, but I just hope that the two little eggs will grow up to be little birds.
And then...about a week later...
UPDATE: Okay, guys. Here's the update: Today I went to check on the nest because I looked out the window and saw a little bit of blue and knew she wasn't on it, but when I went out and looked at it, there was only one egg in the nest! The others were on the ground! I saw four of the five that should have been on the ground, but I didn't look for the last one. I think the three original eggs that Mama Robin had were pretty far along, too. I don't know what happened, but the nest was tipped a bit, so we don't know if something tried to get the eggs or if they all fell over or what. Cody and Guy followed me out and Guy heard a bird and said "The bird is crying!" then imitated the noise. And it did sound like crying. It was sooo sad, and I think Mama Bird abandoned the nest...

Well, I hope you enjoyed these pictures from yours truly! :D If not, oh well! :P
Enjoy!! :D
Those desserts looked AMAZING!! you're gonna have to invite me next year, mii. And i know the story behind the blue egg pictures!!! =D aren't i smart?
(when you stalk people, you know everything)
*gasp* You are smart! But I'm posting the story so that the people who read my blog that aren't THHers will know the story.
;) The Mii Maker ;)
DUH! Mii, of course i'm smart!! Did you think otherwise? wow, you actually have people that are non-THHers reading your blog? nice. how did you bribe them into reading it? =D
cute dolls, pretty desserts! :D they look yummmeh XD
Well...I don't know that there are non-THHers reading my blog. I just hope there are. :P
;) The Mii Maker ;)
P.S. The desserts were yummeh. =)
oh man!! you added the story! man, that looks loooong....i prolly read it all on THH so i'm not gonna bother reading it again lol
btw, i'm beginning to really like this name...if i didn't like "reesie" so much, i would change my name on THH. and if anyone in the future DARES to take that name.....you don't wanna know.......
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