This is another one of my drawings, enjoy!
Okay, because I was notified that it was difficult to read, (blurriness do to the camera) I shall tell you what everyone is saying:
Frame 1: Simon: Alvin, we're supposed to be cleaning, not reading!
Frame 2: Alvin: I'll have you know that I got this at the Library-
Frame 3: (no one says anything...Alvin is just surprised.)
Frame 4: Theodore: I thought we were supposed to be cleaning. Simon: We are, but someone got distracted! Alvin: Hey, Simon, I think you should read this...
Frame 5: Simon reads: "Congrats on having taken a look, inside this very old guide book. You have now unlocked the key to save her royal majesty. Hurry, now, before it's to late to save her kingdom from a terrible fate."
Frame 6: Simon: Relax, Alvin! Some kid probably stuck this in there to freak out the next kid who checked this out! Theodore: It worked!
Frame 7: Alvin: Dave is NOT gonna be happy about this...
Well, that's it. More shall be coming soon! Enjoy! :D
P.S. It really isn't all that great...hopefully I'll get better.
You didn't say anything about my last comment...
:D--to the comic, lolz. It's a bit blurry, though
It's cool! And totally awesome! :D It's kinda hard to read though...but you told us to tell you if it was...so there. :P
I'll get it fixed then. Thanks for telling mii!
;) The Mii Maker ;)
HEY!!! Those are pretty good...better than i could hope to do.
You still haven't said anything about my last...last comment :P
Good drawings and lolz to the comic.
Rae: I don't wanna give anything away. (And don't count on a crush. you know how I feel about...that...) To sonar: Thanks! You know what they say, practice makes perfect!
;) The Mii Maker ;)
And just a crush, no love or anything, just a "he's cute...*blush* Oh well" kinda thing. PLEASE!!! *gets down on knees and begs*
Haha. don't count on it. :P
;) The Mii Maker ;)
Oh well. *shrugs happilly*
It's good work, anyway, so I'll take whatever you put in front of me! :D
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