He walked quickly and quietly down the sterile hall, past doors that were open and doors that were closed. He glanced through an open door and his heart broke a little more inside. He wished he could save them all, but that wasn't his job. He looked up and saw a female scientist up ahead, but he didn't duck to the side like someone else would. Instead, he just walked by the scientist. The scientist stared ahead, a baffled expression on her face. A smile almost crossed his lips as he rounded the corner and the scientist's vision cleared up. Perhaps it was all a bit too easy... No, not for someone like him.
He took a deep breath when he saw the large double doors ahead of him. He glanced around, making sure he wasn't being followed. He reached the door and looked down at the keypad on the wall next to it. He knew the code, but did he dare type it in? The scientists would know someone opened it if he did it that way... There was a sort of electronic log-book for these sorts of things. The cameras were already down, but how long would they stay that way? He knew he had to do something quickly... But what? Suddenly, he heard footsteps approaching the end of the hallway. He glanced over his shoulder then looked back at the keyboard. Suddenly, the door opened without him seeming to have to do a thing. He ran out the doors and they closed behind him, just as the female scientist rounded the corner.
He ran to the large boulder that was about thirty yards from the entrance of the building. When he reached the boulder, he crouched down behind it to gather his thoughts. He was out, so what was he to do now? He took a few deep breaths as he thought.
You must go and find her, a voice suddenly piped up and helped him decide. He nodded then closed his eyes and leaned back against the boulder. He saw buildings on either side and a road in front. He was in an alleyway. Suddenly, the picture moved to out on the street. It was a clear morning, but chilly. A street sign appeared and he studied it, memorizing it quickly. He stood up and brushed himself off, then took off running northward.
All will be explained soon enough, Maximum Ride...
"Wow, Mii, you don't suck as a writer! Not a bad story!" <3
lololol xD
Be nice, ok? (raises eyebrow)
you are you speaking to? lol *shrinks back in fear of condemnation*
...idk. Just ticked at Jerk, I MEAN Jay. :P
.....I hadn't commented on this post...
lol, i don't really understand what he did that was so horrible...lol
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