Sunday, April 19, 2009

Guess That Person!

*Big announcer voice* Gather round folks, for the newest game show to this blog! Guess That Person! And here's your host, Miiiii Maker!

That's right, my faithful blog readers! *crickets chirp* Okay...people who stumbled onto this blog and decided to read this post! It's time for our first installment of "Guess That Person!" Today our category will be "In the news business". Here's how it works: I'll give you some clues about the person or persons, and you'll try to guess who it is. If someone guesses correctly, there will be a future blog post about that person! Now, you may only make one guess, so you must be sure about it! Are you ready to start the game? *crickets chirp some more* Okay then, let's get started!

Clue #1: He's bold, he's brash, and he's recently taken a spot at Fox News.
Clue #2: He's all about common sense in government and the world.
Clue #3: He made up the "9/12 Project".
Clue #4: He's one of my mother's new "TV BFFs" :P
Clue #5: His ratings are second only to Hannity and O'Reilly.
Clue #6: He. Rocks. Period.

All right, now it's time for the audience to guess! *crickets have left out of boredom* So, you people who read this post, I need you to guess, because the crickets aren't chirpin' anymore! So guess, guess away! And I'll see you next time on "Guess That Person!" *End music plays and credits roll*


mcculfja said...

I figured it out but I cheated. Oh well.

I haven't listened to him much

Jay (THH) said...

I figured it out but I cheated also...

Mii Maker said...

*gasp* You cheaters! Are there any guessers who haven't cheated? :P
;) The Mii Maker ;)

Your Friendly Stalker said...

who? *types in "9-12 Project"* OH!!! HIM!!!!!!!!!! oh umm....*cough* define i still get a blog post after me?

Jay (THH) said...

Your Friendly Stalker: lol that's what I did...

Your Friendly Stalker said...

Well....she never actually said what "cheating" was.......

Mii Maker said...

...--_-- Where's Rae when I need her??
;) The Mii Maker ;)

Christine LuBean said...

Ha I'll have a crack at it. Glenn Beck?

Your Friendly Stalker said...

You're right. It's Glenn Beck. Mii, I think you should make a blog post about all of us!! But you can't do it about me till you figure out who I am.........*evil grin*

Mii Maker said...

DING DING DING!!! *gives Christine a cookie* We have a winner, ladies and gents! Congrats to Applee!! :P
;) The Mii Maker ;)
P.S. Stalker, I first thought you were TMH, but he has an account. Next thought was :P

Jay (THH) said...

Mii: it was Souldier (THH) not Applee.

Mii Maker said...

...That's the problem of having two "Christine"'s following your blog when you can't see their user pictures...I'll go edit. :P
;) The Mii Maker ;)

Christine said...

lol yah. i was confused when i saw her comment on gray's blog, too. i was like what i don't remember posting that why did i post twice?! rotfl then the pictures loaded XD