It was a cold and rainy day outside city hall. A group of three men were standing outside by the steps, each of them playing an instrument. One man was playing a saxafone,one a harmonica, and the last, a tamborine and his own voice. It was an odd combination, but it sounded beautiful.
As the people bustled by, they would occasionally drop a coin or two into the tamborine players hat, which was sitting on the ground at his feet. Everytime, the tamborine player would smile wide and nod his head, his way of saying "Thank you"
At one point, a young man in a fine fur coat hurried by. On his way, he dropped a dime into the hat on the ground. Everyone knew that man was going to inherit an enormous fortune from his father, and he already had a large home. He was always dressed in the finest clothes, and didn't even try to hide the fact that his pockets were full to the brim with money. The tamborine player smiled wide and nodded his head, like he always did, but the young man took no notice.
About twenty minutes later, an old woman came by. She had a thin shawl drapped over her shoulders and a cane that she leaned on heavily. She stopped and listened to the sweet music coming from the three men. Everyone knew that this woman was the poorest person in town. She had barely any money, and was struggling now to keep her home. After she had listened to the men for a few minutes, she dropped a dime into the hat on the ground then turn to go home. The tamborine player smiled wide and nodded his head. The old woman looked at him and mouthed the words, "You're welcome" then hobbled down the street.
So, who gave more, the man, or the woman?
The old woman, of course.
Just like the bible story.
The woman. 'caus she gave a lot for the little ammount that she had.
yeah just like the Bible story
i agree
the old women, she gave untill it hurt. like the widows might.
definately the old woman :D
p.s. i like that bible story
p.s.s im working on getting my own name
I know this is based on the parable in the Bible, but did you write this? It is worded very good. I bet you do really well in language at school!
Yes, it is based on a story from the Bible, but I wrote this particular version myself. Thanks for the complement! :)
;) The Mii Maker ;)
mii, why does everything that has to do with you somehow get mixed up with the bible?
...It doesn't, griffinrider. But I do have the Biblical principals implanted in mii. I really hadn't thought about the Bible story that much when I wrote this, it just popped into my head. But you didn't answer the question...
;) The Mii Maker ;)
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